Monday, 6 June 2011

Rules and boundaries (cont.)

This is what is actually hanging on my fridge (don't judge!)....

It’s a lovely day....
Rules and routine:
·         we will all follow a strict food routine that does not allow for snacking
·         Children are not to enter the kitchen or bathroom unless we are doing a supervised activity or they are using the toilet, at all other times these areas are out of bounds.
·         One set of toys does not come out until the previous set have been put away (am holding off on enforcing this one too heavily until our house is more organised... soon I hope!!)

What’s in it for the children?
each day the children are given a sticker for their hand in the morning to remind them that Mummy loves them and what individual behaviour we are working on ie toilet training. When they use the toilet etc, they are given another sticker and if, at the end of the day, they haven't had an accident, they will get a special surprise (cheap toy, lollipop etc)
Toilet training, using manners, playing well with each other, staying out of the out-of-bound areas, eating all meals and staying at the table
Consistent consequences:

My obligations
Consequence of non compliance
putting toys away
Reasonable timeframe
Help at this age
Those toys are put away for 2 nights
Fighting/dobbing/name calling
1 warning
Children are separated into 2 rooms for 5 minutes-use buzzer
Found in out-of-bound area
Reminder of boundary. 123
Quiet time 1 minute per age
Use buzzer
General misbehaviour
Reminder of what’s expected
Quiet time 1 minute per age
Use buzzer

Ideas on the go:
Quick ideas for on the go rewards:
A simple Hi five, balloons, stickers, chalk, lollipops, coloured feathers reward box with random bits and pieces.
Sticker chart to let them ‘earn’ rewards such as educational toys or special items.
Quick ideas for on the go activities:
Physical challenge, chalk drawings, hopscotch, torches in cupboards, tracing hands and feet, toddler Pictionary (they just guess what you’re drawing) grouping and counting games using any old toys, teddy bears picnic, sorting socks, counting games, listening to CDs with musical instruments,  ‘crocodile’ hunts, i spy,
Quick ideas for on the go snacks:
Tasting plate(anything and everything on hand), fruit plate, ‘left overs’ omelette, frozen veg, smoothies

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