Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Calm, kind, consistent.

Well, I have everything in place. I have good rules and boundaries and have added to these a few more ideas such as an outline for the children of what we're doing for the day and an outline of what's expected at each destination.
I have trialled them and found success... so, I am now the world's best mother, right? Wrong.
I have been sabotaged: Not by my rules, not by my children, not by my supporters but by ME!
It seems as though everything is in place except my mindset. I am finding it hard to be enthusiastic and I can't work out why. Maybe I'm expecting too much; maybe I'm expecting my 3yr old to just know that there is a new system and I am expecting him to simply fall into line (which is just not happening).
After deciding that I should chart his behaviour so that I can objectively see what is actually happening, it  began to dawn on me that in order to succeed, it may be me who needs to be monitored.
I love my children and my dream was always to be a fun and loving parent for them but maybe my priorites should be: parent first, closely followed by loving and then fun. Oh no!! It's one thing to create rules and discipline but quite another to enforce them. It seems so controlling and manipulative to me and really goes against the grain but if I am honest, things falling down around me, raised voices, anger and conflict in my home has not been fun.
And so we begin again... Charts are in place; I am keeping an eye on myself and will record my progress to ensure I am enforcing my own rules. I have looked at my diet and made some significant changes in an effort to boost my energy and knowing that i am a lover of sleep, I am going to be much more disciplined with my own bedtime routine. To cover all bases, I have even taken a trip to a crystal shop and bought beads for their grounding and nurturing qualities and loose crytals to help with calm and strength. I was advised to wear the loose stones in my bra, close to my heart - (what?? Is lumpy cleavage the new price of a peaceful house? At this stage, it's worth a shot!)
I have a marvellous new mantra 'calm, kind, consistent' which really sums up what type of parent I want to be and what type of parent I want for my children. I will use this mantra to keep my focus and will share this with my children so that they are included in this change and we can all work together.
And so, with the rules in place for both the children and myself, stricter diet and sleep routine for me and the power of crystals all working for me... Welcome peace!

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