About me...

Who is Samsam?? I am a mother, daughter, sister, wife and friend. The reason for this blog is to both keep a record of my journey through motherhood and also to remember that before i was the all consuming wife and mother, I was an individual. I love my children and feel blessed to have been given these amazing little people to share my life with. I may not have realised just how much they would change my life but I learn so much from them every day. they amaze me and make me really feel that this is exactly where I belong in life.
Even so, all things in balance, I have passions outside of motherhood and can, at times, find it hard to remember what they are or how to find my way back to them. My aim is that, in using this blog, I will help to return some balance between me as a mother to 2 very energetic and sometimes challenging children and an individual who, given some time and opportunity, has the potential to reach the stars.