Saturday, 30 April 2011

5am... AGAIN!!

Have you ever repeated the same mistake over and over again expecting that one time soon you will see a different result?? That is me. Not across the board - I try to learn from my mistakes but there is one mistake that is my constant downfall.... giving Miss 2 a bottle in bed.
I know myself, I know my children but for some reason, it's always worth the punt that this time will be different. The fact is, that at the end of a long day by myself, I can justify this punt, even give myself a little praise that I wasn't too hard on myself. The problem is that in breaking the pattern, I AM being had on myself and really my daughter too when she has to (again) learn to settle herself without the bottle.
I wish that the sleep battle was not at the end of a day when my resources are depleted but the fact is that it is at the end of the day and maybe i need to try and keep some energy for that time.
Maybe I should put my Master 3 into a room and let him watch a movie while i read to her and get her settled... easier said than done with my 3 year old - that's a punt in itself. I think that 2 children and 1 parent will always be a battle of sorts. It is even occuring to me as I write this that maybe my aim has been to get them into bed as quickly as possible and maybe my focus should be on trying to allow them to learn how to sleep- again easier said than done but maybe it's something i could work on when i know i will help for a few days to establish this pattern? will let you know how it goes...


  1. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
    Albert Einstein.

  2. OH There's been plenty of insanity in the past 3 years!
